Rich Thomas / Yobs in the Snicket


Yeah. So, not unlike many, the pandemic kind of chewed us up and things certainly can change for people in a couple years. After a few pauses in this situational craziness we all share, we are slowly getting up and running once more. We used to describe ourselves like this:

Whether one might prefer
"The moods of music without forethought"?
Or perhaps the pretentious
"Sonic scenery via akashic recording"?
Or the ever popular
"We are merely a musical pump"!
...either way

The "Yobs in the Snicket" trio are now, half the time, a quartet, with the addition of our cool keyboardist(s)! The more, the merrier...and now we can get into some real trouble. Whatever that means.

Once asked:
Q: "What band would you say you guys sound like?"
A: "Uh... Maybe a little like Gov't Mule, without the animals, the south, or the government?"

Check us out at Reverbnation. More than a days worth of tunes to perhaps enjoy, delight, depress, scare, worry, excite, to meditate to, or confuse you with. Plus, a lot of elusive snicket pictures to run from.

Live improvisational explorations with minimal editing might best describe the recordings of this cast of musicians. Where from springs unbidden from our collective think-meat. The human-instrument interface running loose on instinct. Musical evolution, while you wait (It won't take long). Some musical encounters may contain meandering soundscapes. Can be great background music for your social simulator! We leave any mistakes, pops, heaves, room noise, glitches, dogs barking, traffic, and production no-no's in. Because, it really does happen in "one take, one shot" recordings. It gives us an overall raw, yet accurate sound. It just works, so why change it? But, if by chance it does not work? Fearless leader will keep it from everyone, including moose and squirrel. Plausible deniability. We try to record one live album a week.

In this group? Nothing faked. No second takes. No forethought. No practices. No discussions. No overdubs. No singing. No useless meetings. No stooping. No scrubbing. No whips. No charts. No memorization. No awkward silences. Good in, good out. All is as played. Just musicians having fun at their own peril. Perfect imperfection... Wear one, Be one... Just do it... And all that stuff... You get the picture?

The players are:
Drums: Robert C. Lee, Daniel Sandweiss
Bass: Grant Garner
Guitar: Rich Thomas, Daniel Axelrod
Keys: Greg Johnson,
Joe Padilla

Guest musicians may occasionally be in play. We might consider even you. The more, the merrier...right? We are some very committed musicians meeting up to play and record for fun once a week, building a groove collective. Just a musical booty call... You up?

Contact: abqmusician at g mail dot com

Created by Yobs in the Snicket
Produced by GRR Media
Audio/Video by R.C. Lee
All recordings were performed on location in
the Milky Way galaxy,
Planet: Earth.

Screen name:
Rich Thomas
Member since:
May 19 2014
Active within 1 week
Level of commitment:
Just for Fun
Years together:
64 years


Can't really pin down any number of specifics, collectively, but it must have been something. Ah yes, something from our past. Hmmmm... (finger taps chin as eyes roll the past?)

Members Of Band

Drums: Robert C. Lee, Daniel Sandweiss
Bass: Grant Garner
Guitar: Rich Thomas, Daniel Axelrod
Keys: Greg Johnson,
Joe Padilla


Just enough? Never enough?