on the Fly


Band to Join, Drums, Other.


05/31/24: Been performing 3-4 times a week at local open mics. Jamming with regular bass player. Seeking secure some formal gigs. A regular drummer would be a nice change of pace. Check out my video shorts. Reach out if keen on a power trio.

04/20/24: “Hypocrisy is the compliment that vice pays to virtue” François de La Rochefoucauld,

04/18/24: The bent pyramid has two chambers.

02/05/24: Politics will ruin a jam session indeed. Politics will implode a group, band, or club. Politics will reveal what motivates the soul. Politics has no place at a gig. Politics is not an instrument to be played at a gig. Yet, even at the most modest of music gatherings, politics still finds a way to get slime everywhere. Nothing surprises me anymore. Recent open jam has yielded more than music. Politics has made a recent jam session an insult to music. Dear lord, the most unbelievable mood killer was had as of recent. Clearly, I’m still learning about people, their motivations, and the music industry. and the human condition.

Hucksters are plastered everywhere. Unfortunate indeed.

The quote "A friend to everyone is a friend to no one" suggests that someone who tries to be friends with everyone may not have deep or meaningful connections with anyone. It implies that genuine friendships require investment and authenticity, which may be lacking if one spreads oneself too thinly among many acquaintances. It emphasizes the importance of quality over quantity in relationships. In short, lesson learned. I’ll persevere.

01/21/24: Happy New Year. The month will soon be wrapping up. Grateful for all recent jams plus all the musicians I have met. I have performed with some real solid inspiring musicians. Good designs on me. I have written an array of new music and lyrics. Hope to record and produce some new videos this year. I have penned several songs with purpose and vigor. Who knows what will come of it. I must keep doing; keeps my mind off of the American experience. Rather be free, poor, and happy than a tool for a broken system or a spoiled princess. Lost everything I once earned. I live for the day. I don’t have a choice.

12/08/23: Broke 200 be subscribers today. Sharing my music and Silver Bullet Scheme experience has resulted in gigs, contacts, and worthwhile conversations. America has a done real number on me. Do share, like and subscribe. I still believe music can change the world for the better. Also, undue an injustice. Time will tell. Regardless of my circumstance, I will persevere. I miss and love my 3 daughters dearly. The devil and her brood have devastated my life. My push back will not cease. I will continue to share my artifacts and produce for its own sake.

11/11/23: My recent open mic endeavors have revealed much. Met and befriended many genuine and talented musicians. So very sincere and happy too. Unfortunately, have met legends in their own mind as well. Blowing smoke up my ass; not a talent. Some venues, politics are plastered everywhere. Catering to the regulars. Being actively excluded for simply being the new face ((Closed Mic experience). This is America indeed. People love power before empowerment. Not all venues. Many real solid hosts that don’t play the fool or the tool. Dare say, adults. Where everybody is treated with respect. Group think regulars are soiling the experience. There are open mics I have departed before I even had my guitar out of the case. Driving out to jam, signing up, then the playlist turns into a raffle minus the raffle while the host revels in control and pomposity. It’s blatant. Not unique. I will continue to jam at my favorite venues. Still produce my tunes minus poor actors. Recently, sitting in with bands now more than ever. Playing shows and expecting nothing in return. Still pursuing solid leads. Turning away invitations too; I don’t pay to play. Those who do, desperation of a sordid kind. Thanks to all that have reached out in the proper. Go out of their way to simply say hi. It’s the little things indeed. Putting music before politics will always win me over.

10/19/23: I made it to 53. Grateful I can still sprint. Typically running from both the Grim Reaper and the Government. Today, a new video will be had. Akin to a band aid on a bullet wound. The doing provides a dose of happiness as I bleed from the Silver Bullet Scheme. I have an affliction indeed. My life is a never ending nightmare. Yet, I manage to persevere. The mandated fraud that has consumed my being. Fighting off tears everyday. What’s the point of the madness; America has done a real number on me. The devil and her brood, devastated me. I tolerate the day. The few hours of freedom, spent doing what I love. It’s not living. A life of a sordid kind.

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

There is no God to comfort me. Not on my side. No guidance or real protection. The trials, struggles and dangers I face. One life is enough indeed. The American experience, in a flicker, all can be devastated.

Capable of gratitude and appreciation. Always have been. Thanks to all that have reached out and support me.

The day will have me. Make the most of yours too.

10/04/23: Still going. Working smarter and with more conviction than ever before. Almost entirely off the grid too. Soon I’ll just be a P.O. Box. Each day is a gift. If I die in my sleep, that too is a gift. The day will have me. Performing on an empty stomach is typical. Performing with a broken heart is permanent. I will never recover from government intervention. The devil is in the details. Those details will be published on multiple platforms upon my death. My children will know the truth when I’m dead. An unfortunate consolation prize indeed. Please continue to share and like my Silver Bullet Scheme inspired songs. Subscribe to my channel. Do like and share. Music used to change the world. Mental hygiene for me. I pinned my stars on a no good ostentatious fool. Triangulated to oblivion. Anything for Daddy. Thanks to all that have reached out and offered help. There is no help for men like me.

7/03/23: Performing with many percussionist. Seeking committed drummer. Performing with committed bass, conga, & rhythm guitarist. In need of local drummer.

6/30/23: View live video shorts
6/03/23: ‘Incomplete’ Check out new video.

5/18/23: … surpassed 100 subscribers as of recent. So what. The government still has my balls. Parent alienation sticks. I still can get out. Why the hell not? Playing out; mental hygiene. The devil watches from a distance. The grim reaper runs from me. Bass player… solid and committed too. Still in need of a solid percussionist. Grateful for recent outings and jams. Reach out if up for auditioning. Check out recent YT uploads. Share and subscribe.

5/01/23: Recent outings have been worthwhile. Solid footage. Seeking steady percussionist.

4/27/23: Check out recent live video shorts on YT. Seeking Percussionist. Easy jams from the 60s and 70s.

4/13/23: Seeking percussionist ASAP.
Gigs await!

Secured a Bass player as of April 5 2023.

If taking the time to read… make the effort and subscribe to my YT and share. Share often! Yes, it helps. It takes time and effort to reach 1000 subscribers. Be part of my campaign. The Silver Bullet Scheme is real.

I cope. I use my music to do so. A purpose of a kind.
The cover of my single… a Copyright claim was made for ‘Zombie’ cover art. As a result, a pretty solid song fell out of the sky - Copyright. Less than 4 hours to write, perform, record, mix and master. The video was another 4 hours of doings. Hell of an inspiration. I know I’m capable of a love song. Currently suffering from the 9 most terrifying words in the English language. So easy to use the government as an apparatus to dispose of anyone in America. My push back is more for mental hygiene.

With a cause and purpose greater than my next gig or jam session or single. Yet, always looking forward to my next gig or jam session and inspiration.

Check out my work & do me the honor... Like and share!
Subscribe to my YT and Spotify.
I'll sh*t myself if I reach 100 subscribers on either site.

Music used to change the world for the better.
Be part of my campaign and bring attention to my cause.
Nobody believes me till I share my artifacts.
There is an injunction against me to hide fraud, corruption, and extortion.
The constitution costs money but it cost nothing to be nice. Be nice. Subscribe for its own sake. I'm grateful.

"What ultimately persuades me this is a political hit-job, she grossly overreaches when she tries to drag the children into this."
Bill Barr. Former U.S. Attorney General

"Every person you look at, you can see the universe in their eye if you're really lookin."
George Carlin

"LIBERTY, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth."
"If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."
"The harder the conflict the greater the triumph."
George Washington

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Thomas Jefferson

"Rock music should be gross: that's the fun of it. It gets up and drops its trousers."
Bruce Dickinson

"Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music."
Jimi Hendrix

Seeking to be commissioned to score a movie, commercial, jingle, or the like.

... on the Fly: I am the artist, writer, producer, creator, videographer, and publisher for all material found on BANDMIX and all related online links.

Seeking like-minded musicians for studio work, gigs, and open jams.

Fronting a power trio is ideal.


Screen name:
on the Fly
Member since:
Feb 17 2015
Active within 24 hours
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
Over 100
Tend to practice:
More than 3 times per week
Available to gig:
4-5 nights a week
Most available:


Classic Rock and more: The Beatles, Sting, John Mellencamp, Billy Joel, Dio, Stray Cats, James Taylor, Sammy Hagar, Santana, Candlebox, Kings X, Sade, Hendrix, Joe Jackson, Chicago, Queensryche, Rush, Sound Garden, Armored Saint, The Petenders, Dire Straits, Tom Petty, The Boxtops, Cream, The Animals, Satchmo, Classic IV, Elvis, America, The Yardbirds, David Bowie, Dion, Peter Green, Neil Young, Donovan, ELP, The Moody Blues, Ten Years After, Tommy James, Sugar Loaf, Bobby Darin, Eddie Cochran, Roy Orbison, Santos and Johnny, Del Shannon, Gloria Jones, Sam the Sham, one of my brothers, and my childhood neighbor Sam.

Instrument experience:

Rhythm Guitar:
Lead Guitar:


Jackson Guitar x 8
Spyder Jam Line 6
Digitech Jam Man
Tascam DP 24 SD
Clapping of hands
Snapping fingers



Past Events

… between doings and bleeding to death from the SBS.

Song officially published. Why the hell not?

... freedom and liberty can be stripped of you in a flicker.

Those who control the narrative control the outcome. Our institutions are being used as an apparatus to terrorize and dispose of people. Yes, I do know. Never needed so much help to lose everything I ever worked for. Everything I ever earned on my own. Everything I once pursued and cared for. All gone.

We all know who to blame. The devil and her brood.
The Silver Bullet Scheme is real. Can't you tell?

I never have designed a damn thing this way in my life. Once the 9 most terrifying words in the English language have you... A Zombie is had! I had so much more to offer the world, my family, students, friends, and more.

How does a man cope when an injustice has been had.

I was disposed of just like all that I have seen come and go before me.

The video, Ask Your Mother (La niña de Papá), released on YT 4/20/22.

'Lost my 3 girls, 2 dogs, home, career, possessions, money, plus bogus order of protections, Injunctions, Copyright Claims, and the stripping of my livelihood.'

There is no mystery who is to blame. America is a Hucksters Paradise.

"The American dream is dead to me. She took my 3 girls. 2 dogs, and my home."

So very true. So very easy. Reach out if in need of Silver Bullet Scheme Coaching.

This Song has special meaning indeed. The source of inspiration is plastered all over the most diabolical testimony in the history of histories. The lies resulted in me losing my livelihood. Anything to hide failure. There is a place in hell for all the Agents involved in my circumstance. Only in America. We live in a huckster paradise.

Mental hygiene. Do yourself the honor and have a dream for the hell of it!

Copyright Video



Reach out if in need of using the government as an instrument to "Devastate" your target.
There was a time when art and music was used expose a corrupt Government.
There was a time when an officer was honored for never having to use their gun.
There was a time when the Constitution was for all free men.
There was a time when America was the leader of the free world.
Johny Depp has nothing on me!

"Your lips are broken and weathered. Find your dreams and don't despair. And in the meantime, you may finally find. If this won't change you nothing will!"

Share my links and help with my cause. Fatherless America is Easy.

Another vignette of a video. Inspired for all the wrong reasons.

'It is another day of the weekend that i'm living in.'

I made it to another weekend. Hell of goal. Cancer is an ugly business. You find yourself grateful that you can say the word 'Another Day' each and every day you wake up. Then the government helps. Then you seek out fentanyl pills as a quick remedy. Visit my YouTube Channel and watch premier.

Hell of an artifact. I should have been writing love songs with a lovey woman. I pinned my stars on the devil indeed.

Video… why not?

New Song and Video/