Attention deficet started 14 years ago with a Gibson electric,Fender bass,acoustic guitar a four track recorder and a drum machine. The objective was just to have tracks to jam with since the now x wife would not peacefully let me play in a band. Once I started recording I was hooked and soon ran out of tracks and realized that I needed to upgrade my equipment. So I moved on to 8 tracks, added some outboard efx and spent three years developing my own style. At this point again I was out of tracks and wanted more and also wanted to go digital. I found out quickly that I did not have the funds to make this move so every year for five years I dug Gensing roots out of the forests for $$ to get the gear I needed. Now I have been fully into the Digital / computer scene and have the gear and the talent to make music happen, that was my first goal!. That leads to why I am here; to get it out there and see what happens next.

Contact name:
Wayne Robbins
Screen name:
Attention deficet
Member since:
Sep 19 2005
Active over 1 month ago
Phone number: