Over the Fall


Bass Guitar, Drums, Keyboard, Piano.


[Since we can't message without paying Bandmix, here's our bassist's number: (803)497-7226 Call us if you're interested]

We're a mix of various styles, influences, and backgrounds. Elise and Brandon have been playing with each other on and off for about ten years. Dan has been playing guitar and bass alone for about 6 years. When they got together, they immediately agreed that they would only be writing and playing original songs.

In its current state, Over the Fall has been together for about 4 months. They are looking for a dedicated drummer and guitarist who can easily adapt, and doesn't mind playing and writing originals. They could also use a permanent bassist, but they want a drummer first.

Our ages are 25 - 34, so we're not really looking for anyone super old or super young.

Screen name:
Member since:
Nov 30 2013
Active within 1 month
Level of commitment:
Years together:
Tend to practice:
1 time per week
40 years


Elise: (Vocalist) punk, No Doubt, Gwen Stefani, Tank Girl, etc
Brandon:(Guitar) anything metal, Star Wars
* you could be here *

Overall we'll play any style as long as it sounds good. Well, anything but country and rap.

Members Of Band

Elise - vocals, lyrics, keyboard
Brandon - lead and rhythm guitar
* need drummer
* need electric
*Want a keyboardist


Gibson SG, Epiphone Les Paul Special-II, Alvarez acoustic-electric, Hofner Ignition Beatle Bass, Yamaha drum pad, Yamaha keyboard, Peavey Milestone VI Bass, various mics, various amps, various effects pedals.