Grim Reapers Bouquet


Bass Guitar, Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Drums.


We are a starting band, consisting of one cellist and one guitarist. The cellist has been playing for almost 6 years, and the guitarist for 3 years. The guitarist plays rhythm guitar, and covers all the riffs. I (the cellist) do all vocals, and do rhythm when I am not playing that. We take turns playing solos, generally he does the shredding and I do the slow solos. We mainly play metallica covers, although we are starting to branch out to sleep, apocalyptica, iron maiden, tool, nirvana, and a couple of original pieces. Our mission is to keep the same great sound of the original bands and the intensity of metal, but add a uniuque feel that can be accomplished with string instruments, something that has almost never been done (only one famous band uses string instruments.) We are young, as in we both go to high school, but we are very dedicated. Both of us consider music the biggest part of our lives, and can't get enough of it. Although we are young, we can kick ass on our instruments, sound great, and never give up even when life throws sh*t at us, which it seems to love doing.

Screen name:
Grim Reapers Bouquet
Member since:
Mar 07 2009
Active over 1 month ago
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years together:
Gigs played:
Under 10
Tend to practice:
2-3 times per week
Available to gig:
1 night a week
36 years


Tool, Nirvana, Apocalyptica, Metllica, Iron Maiden, The Sword, Sleep, and every other metal band out there.

Members Of Band

Willie Strausser (Rhythm guitar) Julian Holt (Cello)