Karlos icaro


  • Type mp3 | Uploaded Thu, 30 Jun 2011 20:20:28 -0400
  • File size 3,696.57 Kylobytes | Track # 2
  • Year 2011 | Album Conexion al subconsciente
  • Genre Latin | Comments

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Upright bass, Steel guitar, Background Singer, Keyboard, Violin, Drums, Bass Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Vocalist - Bass.


I have been waiting, I have been waiting for this moment all my life, the moment of an opportunity and today it is real. It is impossible to describe in words when you truly love what you do.

I was born in 1984 in the beautiful city of Hermosillo Sonora Mexico, Surrounded with lots of people with big hearts, friends and family. Through the time I made a safe full of stories looking for a sun ray w...hich would illuminate my life. I went losing myself into a piece of wood and six simple strings which invited me to dream and make me start assisting to a school and short time later my life took a weird way playing on a mariachi and even though it wasn’t my thing the music was in my senses from my first days of life.

My college days were great I had the chance to participate on a Rondalla , 12 guitars paying at the same melody, It was amazing to see how it could change my mood in just a second. I think music for me is forget about the problems, throw away the fear and paint myself a better future. It’s never been easy to leave the people you love and fight for a dream. It was in 2002 when I decided to continue my music studies out of the country and with a knot in my throat and tears in my eyes I said good-bye to a full life filled with very precious moments and very important people in my life. I have to accept that it still hurts, I miss them so much.

A new part of my life was starting a new school, a new language, new friends’ new opportunities but the same dream. Friends, real friends one in every one hundred and I won a couple of them, time passed by and I graduated from high school in 2003 and hard times arrived, both economic and emotional, I missed my mother, my brother and my two little sisters which are my life, I didn’t have enough money to continue my studies and classes at the university it was so expensive, I had to do something , and I stared working full time to get money together to go back to the university. While time passed university was going away little by little, so I decided to change plans and I started attending Phoenix College, no doubt destiny did another move in my life putting the puzzle together for me one more time.

Studying music for 3 years at college has been very important in my life, finally I learned another language I have met people from other countries in the world. I grew up as person and in my career as musician.

I have to say that I have been waiting; I have been waiting for this moment all my life.

Screen name:
Karlos icaro
Member since:
Jun 30 2011
Active over 1 month ago
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
50 to 100
Tend to practice:
More than 3 times per week
Available to gig:
6-7 nights a week


fender electro acoustic / dean acoustic