Project Afterimage


Vocalist, Rhythm Guitar, Lead Guitar, Bass Guitar, Keyboard.


Greetings friends in music!
I am transitioning into a new facet of life and have the desire, motivation, freedom, and ability to manifest that which I wish to experience.
I am at the embryonic stage of creating a Rush tribute band. One that will be commensurate with what a Rush tribute SHOULD be. My plan is to recreate the live Rush experience. It will require dedication and perseverance.... though the potential to be World touring in that paradigm is immense.
Rush fans are about as "die hard" as it gets next to Dead fans. The fact that Rush retired recently creates a perfect opportunity to "keep the experience alive" for so many.
I am looking for experienced and able guitar, bass, keys, and vocals. Ideally, it would be a 3 be able to emulate the band precisely, however I don't feel that is a necessary prerequisite. The focus is on the sound and presentation. Rush is not a band that can be "hacked" and be successful. Those who would come to see a Rush tribute band (of caliber) will most certainly be paying attention. Listening for all the little nuances and accents that have been engrained in their memory.
Again, this is the very beginning of this project, so it would be an investment....but if playing big venues Worldwide as a competent Rush tribute sounds like something you could sink your teeth into and be inspired to create.... let's talk.
I am in a situation where I can relocate anywhere in the world, and would do so to bring this project to fruition. So, don't be afraid to touch base if you're on the other side of the planet. Where there's a will, there's a way.

Screen name:
Project Afterimage
Member since:
Jul 04 2019
Active over 1 month ago
Level of commitment:
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
Over 100


The band would be able to play songs from throughout the Rush archive legacy.
Perhaps maybe throwing in a Dream Theater tune or something which is collaborative with Rush's music as well.

Instrument experience:
