N/A yet


Keyboard, Drums, Bass Guitar, Rhythm Guitar.


OK me and a friend are starting a band... Let me first say that we are no where near ready to actually start playing gigs.... I have played guitar for barley a year but i am learning fast! I can already play some Avenged Sevenfold( i can play all of 'scream' if that helps you determine where my playing skill is) and My Chemical Romance songs. My friend has stepped up and said she would like to do vocals....yes we are both girls. We hope some of you don't exit outta this just because of that. We are very determined to make this band work and would like to start touring somewhere in the next 1-3 years...we already have possible connections to get gigs at Skullies and possibly a connection to Warner Bros. Records. The whole point of this ad thing is that we would like to meet possible band members even though we are not ready to actually start gigs. But we would like to get to know the person before we say a definite yes or no. Meaning we want to make a band with people we're gonna be able to get along with for a long time. People that we'll be friends with to be put bluntly. So as said before we're looking for a bass player, a drummer, and more than likely a keyboardist. It doesn't really matter if your just starting like us or are a pro at your instrument. Don't be afraid to message us! We are both very nice people and are open to new ideas! We would like to band 'sound' to be very different...something new. We're going for an electronical type of feel(like afi, cinema bizarre,nightwish,ect..) but we would love to have an awesome rhythm section behind it ( i personally love double bass drum!)...just something new and different to whats out there. Also i would like add some very noticeable solos like in Avenged Sevenfold.

Avenged Sevenfold
My Chemical Romance
The Used
Cinema Bizarre
The Used
Lady Gaga (kinda)
Blaqk Audio
Dir En Grey
Bless The Fall
Escape The Fate

and many others.....

Also looking for players between the ages of 14-21...we are 16 ourselves

Screen name:
Member since:
Feb 15 2010
Active over 1 month ago
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years together:
33 years


Avenged Sevenfold
My Chemical Romance
The Used
Cinema Bizarre
The Used
Lady Gaga (kinda)
Blaqk Audio
Dir En Grey
Bless The Fall
Escape The Fate

Members Of Band

singer and guitar player