Sonic Dreams Studio & Music Production Company LLC


"Where Dreams Come True..."


Tracking: $100 per hour. Recording: $100 per hour. Mixing: $100 per hour. Mastering: $100 per song. Producing: $150 per hour. Session Work: $150 per hour. Composing: *Varied Rate. Consulting: $100 per hour.

We also offer project based quotes.

We prefer to book for a full or half day project.

Block Time Rates Available.

Call Now for a consultation on your project!


Our studio is equipped with Apple Logic Pro & Cubase Pro are both are loaded with many of the most updated plug-ins.
We have high quality microphones, software and outboard equipment. We offer music recording, music production, mixing and mastering. All in a relaxed environment!
Please email or call to discuss your project.

Don’t let a poorly written song hold you back!
Do you have songs and want them produced?
Do you have lyrics or poetry you would like to set to music? Do you have an idea for a song that you would like to finish? Would you like to make a vocal demo, but you don’t write songs?

No Problem!
We will produce your original songs, or you can choose from one of our original songs or we can write one with your vocal style in mind. We have songs composed and recorded in almost every style of music!
Send us your chords, lyrics and the type of style you would like your song to be in. We’ll produce the song and IF YOU LIKE, bring in a professional singer to do the vocals. We’ll email you MP3 files along the way to make sure you’re happy with the direction of the productions.
Many artists like us to come up with a music track and then they write their own lyrics to match. Sometimes artists come with lyrics or just melodies, or any combination. We work with it all.
That’s what good songwriting is all about!

Whether you’re a Pro or a beginner...
We would be happy to help you work out a plan that is within YOUR budget!

sonicdreamsstudio 262-364-4551 Brookfield, WI

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does the studio recording rate include an engineer?

-Yes, the engineer fee is included in the basic recording studio rate.

Is the studio open during the weekend?

-Of course, in fact weekends are our busiest time and usually booked up way in advanced.

What is a producer

-In general terms: A producer is like a director, they have complete responsibility for the project, generally they attend rehearsals, work on arrangements, check out your equipment, recommend outside musicians, and decide what songs to record. They own the project and negotiate with the record label. They see the project through completion. A producer doesn't have to be an engineer, and you may see sessions where a producer and engineer work together. One would hire a producer based on the quality of the previous work this producer has done, familiarity with their style and an understanding that they will be calling the shots and raising the quality of the recording project.

What's an engineer?

-In general terms: An engineer is someone that knows how to operate the recording equipment in the studio, get sounds and accommodate the requests of the artist or producer. One would hire an engineer based on a recommendation from the studio, work they've done before and their familiarity with the studio being used.

Do you do voice-overs, music for film or radio spots?

-Yes, we are best known and geared toward recording performance-based music sessions.

Do you have beats?

-We have a large selections of drum tracks, samples, etc. but remember that building up tracks is gonna take a lot of time and creativity. There are no "walk in and sing and walk out with a CD" services available.

How long will it take to record my album?

-We don't know. A well-rehearsed band can lay down most of the basic tracks for an album in two days. Overdubs can take anywhere from one to seven days depending on the amount of work and pickiness. For mixing, budget three hours per song or so at least. A guitarist-singer who has their tunes down can track hours of live stuff in one day, mix it all the same day and have a decent live demo. It really depends what you are looking for. Many of our better songwriter/band projects have taken ten to fourteen days. Some projects go faster. Always add time to your estimates! We've made albums in one day and one month. Just don't try to make "Dark Side of the Moon" in three days!

Contact name:
angelo petropoulos
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Member since:
Jun 28 2013
Active over 1 month ago
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call for a quote on your project