

Vocalist - Tenor, Vocalist - Soprano, Violin, Keyboard, Piano, Background Singer, Fiddle, Vocalist - Alto.


We are:

One 29 yr old guitarist/lead singer/songwriter (that's me)
One experienced bass player with a ton of recording gear & know-how
One powerhouse girl drummer
One talented lead guitarist

We've been playing together as a group since May. We rehearse twice a week in our drummer's converted-detached-garage-studio in Fremont (located near :// In addition to preparing for our first gig which is scheduled at the end of October, we've started recording several demos and plan to continue with decent home recordings and eventually record professionally.

We play original music. I am the principal songwriter--sometimes I bring a written song to practice and we work together to find the right mood, transitions, etc., or sometimes we'll be jamming and come up with an idea and work on it together. We strive to be open-minded & collaborative, giving each other complete freedom to create our own parts backed with honest feedback.

We're now searching for the last puzzle piece to our band--someone on keyboard/synth with back-up vocal abilities. Sometimes we play heavy and intense, sometimes soft and gentle, and in many cases there are both elements in the same song, so we're looking for someone adaptable, creative, capable of many styles, visionary. A song may call for lead synth, or perhaps a meaty atmospheric layer, or something light and simple, or maybe a more traditional piano. We are looking for your unique ideas to find what works best with the song. We're also looking for someone who has a nice singing voice that sounds compatible with my voice and who is able to harmonize and sing on-key.

If you can play violin too, that would be extremely wonderful.

If you're interested, please send a sample and your phone number to elliott_dozier . com.


Screen name:
Member since:
Oct 05 2010
Active over 1 month ago
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years playing music:


Influenced by several traditions of rock:

60's rock (Beatles, Hendrix)
70's or Classic Rock (Queen, Pink Floyd, Sabbath, Yes)
90's Alternative (The Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, Nirvana, Alice in Chains)
Indie/Shoegaze/Modern (Elliott Smith, Death Cab for Cutie, The Killers, Arcade Fire, Bright Eyes)
And the list goes on...

Instrument experience:

Background Singer:
Vocalist - Tenor:
Rhythm Guitar:
Lead Guitar:
Acoustic Guitar:
Bass Guitar:


Electric Guitars:
1 Billy Corgan Signature American Stratocaster
1 Electra Phoenix

Acoustic Guitars:
1 Taylor 310CE
1 Yamaha DW-8 VRS

1 Big Muff Pie with Wicker
1 Hall of Fame Reverb
1 Ekko 616 Analog Delay
1 DeltaLab SC-1 Stereo Chorus
1 MXR Phase 90
1 MXR Phase Micro Flanger
1 CryBaby 535Q Wah
1 Boss DS-1 Distortion
Bass Guitars:
1 Peavey Millenium BXP

1 Marshall 2266 VintageModern 50W Head
1 Marshall 412 Cab
1 Marshall 212 Cab
1 Peavey Micro Bass Practice Amp

1 Sennheiser e835
1 MXR 990
1 MXR 991
1 Blue Snowball USB Mic

Other Gear:
1 Yamaha MG82CX mixer
1 Behringer B215D Eurolive Speaker
1 Mbox 2

1 Yamaha YPT-300 (used as MIDI trigger)

- Pro Tools
- Logic
- Ableton Live
- Propellerhead Reason
- AmpliTube
- Audacity