

Cello, Clarinet, Flute, Harp, Other, Piano, Saxophone, Trombone, Trumpet, Upright bass, Violin.


Hi! I’m EJ. I am a 22 year old Dallas local who sings and has a genuinely out-of-the-box concept for a band and I need musicians that are interested in experimenting with alternative music. All of my friends who have experience as musicians and have heard me sing have said I should pursue this concept, so I will.

The most basic explanation of my concept is that I am writing and singing sing/songwriter music with an alternative style but the only instruments used would be ones that are heavily used in classical music and jazz. This concept is heavily inspired by female vocalists in Japanese punk and a niche alternative subculture based in Japan called visual-kei.

This is a project and concept that will take an immense amount of patience, experimentation, and trial and error. If done well, this potential band could go places. I am a very powerful writer. I am able to produce an emotional response in people I don’t know from not only my poetry or personal essays, but with academic essays as well. I also am an activist so I know how to move people with my words.

I did advanced choir for 5+ years, I have performed at jam sessions with random musicians and have been able to catch attention at those events as well as when I do karaoke, but I am new to starting/being in bands. I am hoping that this concept will bring people to me, but we will see. If you got this far, link tree is trailblazerej and if you are interested the only requirements I have are to know how to play at least one of the instruments I mentioned, live (relatively) close to the city of Dallas, and to be over 18 and no older than 30.

Screen name:
Member since:
Jul 29 2023
Active within 2 weeks
Level of commitment:
Moderately Committed
Years playing music:
Gigs played:
Under 10
Available to gig:
2-3 nights a week
Most available:


My concept and vision are both heavily inspired by two specific artists from alternative Japan… Midori (the original band name is written in kanji but I can’t use kanji on this website.) and Malice Mizer. The biggest band that sings in English that comes close to my idea is The Nychillharmonic.

Other influences that inspire the sound include Melt-Banana, Otoboke. Beaver, The Garden, Enon, tricot, Queens of the Stone Age, and Juniore.

In regards to lyricism and vocals, my biggest influences are Radiohead, Elliot Smith, Lily Allen, and Fiona Apple.

Instrument experience:

Vocalist - Soprano:
Vocalist - Alto:


I do not currently have any equipment. I have people that are already interested in this concept that do though. As long as people have enough equipment for themselves, I will figure out access for other things needed.