Yarka Miller


One of his signature songs is entitled “Condenado“, and although I do not think he was aware of the implications of that word would have in his future, very faithfully summarizes his own existence.

Condemned, yes, with all the consequences that entails, follows an internal compass that accompanies him since he was a child… sentenced to be dragged by the force of an obsession in the endless path of art.

Producing and composing are, for Yarka, “a way of understanding life“. It is his creative engine… a journey that starts each day with the keys of a piano, the strings of a guitar with a result that only his muses will know.

Yarka’s compass has only one destination, MUSIC. Following its course, he has traveled a long journey playing practically every musical role in the Industry; keyboard player of a small pop-rock band in southern Spain when he was a teenager; Producer’s Assistant in his official entry into the professional world, that allowed him to develop his craft. This led him to work with multiple artists (Belén Arjona, La Unión, Presuntos Implicados, Café Quijano…) as an arranger, composer, producer and A&R . The experience helped Yarka reached a broad and comprehensive view of the music profession.

After nearly a decade working for others, Yarka decided it was the time to express his own musical vision with his first solo album entitled “Koren“. Its songs reflect his sensitivity and everything he learned along the way. Concerts followed, collaborations, new projects. In 2010, fate took him to Miami, where he now works as a composer, producer and artist. In recent years he has worked with great talents (artists and musicians) like Christian Pagan, Marger Sealey, Sebastián Yatra, Claudio Corsi, Tommy Ruiz, Luigi Giraldo, Charlie White, J.L Pagan, J.C Pérez Soto, Sie7e, The Julca Brothers, Debi Nova, among others. Yarka has also worked for major television networks like Univision, Telemundo and Nickelodeon LATAM.

His whole life has been dedicated to music as a constant companion. It is the north star that guides his steps and whispers in his ear: “The journey has just begun“.

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Member since:
Feb 02 2015
Active over 1 month ago