

Yes, I'm old, but I'm not looking to be a rock star. I have a very specific purpose for posting here. I am looking for a female vocalist to record a single song. This is not some weird scam or anything. I just need female vocals on a track that I am working on.

I'm married with a family, and I am the creative director for a large corporation based in DC. No agendas or expectations. The only thing I can promise is that you'll have a great sounding demo tune for your next gig.

It's simple. You need to sound aggressive without screaming, and you need to have flawless pitch. It's not a technically challenging song (in fact, it's a Depeche Mode cover), but tha makes the emotion in the voice that much more important.

Future work? Possibly. I've worked with a lot of Chicago artists in the past 20 years. I have a nice writing studio at home (not the corner of an unfinished basement) and that's where you'd be recording. If you are good, you should be able to nail this song in 4 takes max.

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Member since:
Dec 31 2010
Active within 1 month