

Mardy Eger services range from Business consulting, merchant service solutions, life coaching, training, marketing, branding, systems and venture capital solutions, plus other services tailored to fit the needs of every business owner, executive, sales force, top marketer, as well as nontraditional and traditional companies. MD Eger & Associates is your best solution to fulfill all your needs and requirements whether you are a start up or established fortune 500 we pride ourselves to provide solutions and are your one stop shop for every imaginable category of concern for growth.

Screen name:
Member since:
Nov 03 2020
Active over 1 month ago
Level of commitment:
Just for Fun
Years playing music:


Mardy Eger has been a man of passion and love and has shown this for decades via ministry. Having a rough beginning in life as a youth losing his family at the tender age of 9 years of age, Marquis Egerton, or Mardy Eger as he is affectionately known as well. He understands what it's like to lose everyone that you loved at a very young age, living in the system, and the traumatic experiences of the foster care system of old. Experiencing what it is to feel and be abandoned, homeless, and lost is something that is all so familiar to him. As an adult he's spent most of his life trying to show love and spread love and hope to those less fortunate. Whether it was randomly feeding the homeless on the street, helping disadvantaged children, or mother or families facing hard times, he's been a very present presence to hundreds and even thousands of people.

Instrument experience:

Background Singer:


Mardy MD Eger, has been a man of passion and love and has shown this for decades via ministry. Having a rough beginning in life as a youth losing his family at the tender age of 9 years of age, Mardy MD Eger, or Mardy Eger as he is affectionately known as well. He understands what it's like to lose everyone that you loved at a very young age, living in the system, and the traumatic experiences of the foster care system of old. Experiencing what it is to feel and be abandoned, homeless, and lost is something that is all so familiar to him. As an adult he's spent most of his life trying to show love and spread love and hope to those less fortunate. Whether it was randomly feeding the homeless on the street, helping disadvantaged children, or mother or families facing hard times, he's been a very present presence to hundreds and even thousands of people.