



I started Salvaged in February of 2002, released full-length albums of originals in 2003, 2007, & 2011. After a few line-up changes due to members moving out of state, having families, or simply wanting to do something different, we took a long break. We're back at it now, and currently wrapping up a new album, but need a local-ish drummer for shows.

Screen name:
MATMAN from SaLvAgEd
Member since:
Aug 09 2023
Active within 1 month
Level of commitment:
Very Committed
Years together:
Gigs played:
50 to 100
44 years


Lots, but typically old school metal, hair metal, heavy metal/rock... some classic rock. Basically, guitar-driven double-bass type stuff.

Members Of Band

Matt Van Dyne (me) - Guitar/Vocals
James Taylor - Vocals
Josh Freel - Bass
You??? - Drums


Guitars, amps, & cabs by Prevail Guitar Works. Also Synergy preamps.
Sansamp-based bass rack with Ampeg cabs.
Full P.A. with mains, subs, monitors, mics.

I'm currently putting together a killer double-bass set with a rack, a riser, & internally-mounted mics. All you would really need, is your snare & cymbals (and your chops). Trying to make it easy on you!