The Surfin' Tones


Bass Guitar.


We're looking for committed musicians that like and want to play the classic instrumental hits of the 50's and 60's. Vintage Fender gear is preferred.

Screen name:
Member since:
Mar 08 2008
Active within 1 week
Level of commitment:
Years together:
Gigs played:
Over 100
Tend to practice:
1 time per week
Available to gig:
1 night a week
74 years


The Ventures, The Marketts, Dick Dale, Dwayne Eddy, etc.

Members Of Band

Greg Darby
Geoff West
Jay Schwartz


Fender Dual Showman Reverb
Fender Basmann 50
Jazmasters, stratocasters, telecasters
Ludwig '67 pearls



Past Events

Mark your calendars ... August 1st, 2008, at IT Parker Center in Harbor Town Marina 901 N. E 3rd Street Dania Beach Florida 7pm -until? With the Legendary DJ as your Host Mr. Rick Shaw and Rockin Rich as our DJ for the evening with live bands.... Starting with the Surfin Tones and others.

Buffet Dinner by Giovanni's Coal Fire Pizza, & Jaxsons Ice Cream too for dessert. Come see the old Pirates world Memorabilia, have your picture taken with a Pirate.

See the old original movie Musical Mutiny all filmed at pirates world on a big screen w/ popcorn too.

Prizes for the most original & funniest costume. Come as a Pirate, Beach boys or your uniform from pirates world 60's & 70's.

Plus Raffles and Door prizes too.

Donation is $25.00 per person and the Proceeds will Benefit the Majic Children's Fund for more ticket information contact Jim & Marilyn @ 954-922-2969 or Ron & Stacey @ 954-920-4592